Dear All
Thank you to those of you who have posted feedback regarding the new format. There are a few issues that have been raised that we would like to address.
A few people have said that early versions of the Netscape browser and Windows 95 have had problems with the new format. Whilst we do our best to ensure that we cater for the widest possible audience, catering for all versions of all browsers is extremely labour intensive, and rapidly becoming a technical impossibility. Therefore as newer versions of browsers are released we have to periodically discontinue support for the older versions to keep-pace with developments in the industry.
The new format has been designed to conform to the standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and we recommend that you upgrade your browser to the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape, which are both freely available and W3C standards compliant. For those who cannot install the latest version of Internet Explorer or Netscape we recommend that you try Mozilla's Firebird browser, also freely available.
The feature allowing e-mail notification of responses to messages is currently not working and under investigation. We hope to have it back-in-service soon.
Finally, we would like to apologise to anyone that has had difficulties as a result of the sudden changes, but we hope that we have helped to resolve some of the issues raised, and we look forward to an exciting future at
Please feel free to add to this thread with any comments, problems or recommendations that you may have.
Stephen Rowe Administrator