Does anyone have any information on my ancestors? My great,great,great grandfather settled in eastern Canada in 1820. He was a George Kinread born on the Isle of Man in 1782. His father was a John Kinread married to an Isabel Gawne on July 1, 1781. I am hoping to find a connection on the Isle of Man - maybe our John Kinread was a brother/cousin to one of your ancestors. Or the question remains - did our George - who came to Canada have any brothers or sisters on the Isle of Man. Before George settled in Canada - he lived in Whitehaven, England (records state he lived there for 23 years).
We have the names of George's children and a "family tree" filled in for many of the next generations (most being born in the late 1800's)
George's children most born in England are Isabella B 1808; John B 1810; Elizabeth B 1812; Maragaret B 1814?; George Jr. B 1816; William B 1819; Thomas S B Dec. 1820 my line - continuing with My great grandfather Albion and my grandfather Percival Richard (1884 to 1963).
Hope this information might "connect" someone.