
Manx Genealogy Archive 1

Richard McKneale

Looking for information on Richard McKneale (McNeil) and his wife Catherine Shimmin? Both appear on the 1861 cenus as living in Sulby, Lezayre. His age is listed as 56? She is listed as 30. Also listed is Ricards mother-in-law, Isabella Shimmin-70yrs. In the 1871 census, he is still listed, but his wifes name was erased. Richard is boarding his nephew, Robert H. Shimmin,
listed as 14 years old and a scholar. In the 1881 census, both Richard and his wife Catherine appear again. It seems that Richard died in 1881. The 1861 census lists Richard, Catherine and the mother-in-law, Isabella Shimmin, as being born in Castletown. I have been unable to find a Richard McKneale born in Castletown or Malew even close for right years. Does anyone have more information on these people? I need to verify birth dates and the marriage of Richard and Catherine, her age and parents. None appear in the 1851 census for Lezayre.

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Richard McKneale
Re: Richard McKneale