In 2010+ I posted Qs re George (Emanuel?) Kelly. You found his death at sea 4 Nov 1865, MI #22 Patrick Old Yard as one child of John Kelly, High Bailiff of Castletown. One brother was John Kelly, Advocate of Peel. I’ve done my homework as you suggested & found: 1) Mate’s Certificate of Service #62.650 issued Liverpool, 27 Jan? 1851 for George Kelly, b. 14 Sept 1876 Castletown. Employed as App. Mate ? years of service in the British Merchant Service in Foreign Trade. Granted by the Registrar General of Seaman, London by the Board of Trade, 2) Also in 1851 England Census, Liverpool lives with head, retired Yeoman John Varty, as “Master Mariner,” along with 3 others as such in the abode, 3) Marriage to Annie Dunn, Liverpool, 1856, 4) 1861 England Census living with wife, Annie, and children, Charles G age 2 and Christian F, 2 months, Toxteth Park, Liverpool, 5) “UK, Registers of Births, Marriages and Deaths at Sea, 1844-1890,” recorded in 1866, date of death, 10 Nov, 1865, age 43, ship-Kingston, classified as Btn. I acquired a very old photo in possession of George’s granddaughter of an Asian, assumed Chinese, setting, very ornate with several men. Maybe ship traveled to? You might ask “What more does she want?” 1) Are there logs of ships’ travel – places, dates, list of names? 2) George had son, Charles George Kelly, died about same year, no official records 3) Were seaman trained OJT as noted in Mate’s Certificate - #1 above? Wife disappeared from records after his death. Three dau, 2 after his death lived on IoM, 1871 ages 9 & 10; all 3 dau, North Abbey Cottage, IoM 1881. It appears that they were “orphaned” after his death, living with Kelly relatives. Perplexing that no articles appear in newspapers of George Kelly’s death in iMuseum or British National Archives since father and brother were prominent men IoM. iMuseum newspaper shows him as a deceased brother in John Kelly, Advocate death memorial article. BTW, I have a Word doc of 100 pages, a transcript of all of our conversations 2010 -2016; in 2017/18, I asked about George Kelly re his relationship to his father & brother-High Bailiff & Advocate; his wife, Annie and “orphaned” daughters, Christian Faith, Margaret Ann and Catherine Price (the latter a subject of a future conversation to this – sometime.)