
Manx Genealogy

Catherine Quayle (Moughtin)

I’m trying (again) to gather further information on Catherine Quayle (Moughtin) and looking particularly for MIs in Lezayre and Michael. I’m hoping either will prove useful and help in identifying them and their line.
Catherine married John Quayle in 1814 and they had three ?children: George, Marjery and John. John and Catherine are my paternal gtgtgrandparents and John my gtgrandfather. I’m following Catherine because of the difficulty in identifying John and since there are no further births after 1821 have assumed that either or both have died prior to the 1841 census (I can’t identify Catherine in this census).
On this basis I have two possibles: (1) Cath Quayle (Blockery) dying/being buried in the Lezayre Burial Register on 7 February 1826. Earlier posts identified them at Blockairy along with other Quayles. The 2nd possible is from a Ancestry family tree indicating Catherine dying on 9 November 1841 in Kk Michael. I couldn’t confirm this on FamilySearch or FMP. The Michael and Lezayre/Maughold Quayles are linked so this is a possibility.
Grateful any help and advice.

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Catherine Quayle (Moughtin)
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