
Manx Genealogy

Re: "Andreas" by Sally McCambridge

the book has almost nothing re 17th Century and really only starts mid 18th C but with concentration on mid 19th + 20th centuries - you will find little specific on Andreas for period pre 18th /19th century as few travellers spent much if any time there - pre 1615 all you have are land records back to 1511/1515 + a very few fragments from late 15th century rolls.

Most Manx of that period (as elsewhere in British Isles) were illiterate and thus any written records would either be official documents or some accounts by the clergy - you may gain some idea of happenings etc from the ecclesiatical presentments many of which are interleaved with the wills + also the various decrees etc from the Bishop which are sometimes bundled with the Episcopal wills - all these are on numerous Mormon microfilms whose readability ranges from good/excellect to impossible - the documents many of which are very fragile suffering from damp and the nesting instinct of vermin.
Another so far generally untapped resource are the various court records but these are untranscribed + unindexed - volunteers for these tasks very welcome