
Manx Genealogy

Genealogy Board update

Dear users,
As you are aware there are issues with the current board software resulting in the in-built search function not working and some data not being available.
This is due to technical issues with the forum software being used and its incompatibility with modern computing software.
Rather than merely patch the software to make it work in the short term, a decision has been made to undertake a complete rebuild of the forum using modern viable software, that will provide a future-proof service. Despite the free nature of the forum and its extensive technical requirements and size, Manx Telecom are offering our full support to support and improve it, free of charge.
As I am sure you can appreciate rebuilding & transferring the old content is a complex and time-consuming process, but we believe the long term benefits will be worthwhile.
In the meantime a custom Google search has been created at http://bit.ly/IJZ2mM which will enable you to search the current forum data.
Thank you for your understanding during this transition.