
Manx Genealogy

Re: MI Lookups
In Response To: Re: MI Lookups ()

Donna - you can share info however I suspect the committee member was complaining that you might be advertising a service - the sellers of certain digitised directories etc threatened another rootschat site with lawsuits if they allowed any of their users to advertise that they had certain documents and were prepared to look up items for others - as the company explained to me the sender of the cease + desist letters had deeper pockets and as our American users will know the size of your bank account is 99% of the law and they could not afford to get embroiled in any lawsuit.
In many ways the near inability of the society to enter the digital age is still apparent - however the iMuseum is I understand negotiating for use of private databases and such as a combined MI index is a trivial thing to prepare tho how to pay for it is another.