
Manx Genealogy

Re: MI for Kermode in Lonan
In Response To: Re: MI for Kermode in Lonan ()

Thanks Donna
What I was trying to connect was a "Grandson Daniel" of Daniel & Eleanor Kermode listed as age about 4 and 15 in the 1861 and 1871 Lonan Census respectively. I am thinking that the most logical father for this "grandson" would be Daniel/Eleanor's son Daniel b. 1836, whom, I believe married Martha Quirk, in Lancaster, England in May 1865. I realized in re-reading their marriage certificate that Daniel was identified as a "widow". Considering Grandson Daniel's birth about 1856/57 and Daniel's marriage to Martha Quirk in 1862, I figure if Daniel was married before and his wife (mother of Grandson Daniel") died her marriage/death would have occurred between 1854 and 1862.

In IGI there is a marriage for a Daniel Kermode and Mary Anne Gawne on 7 July 1855 at Braddan (LDS film 106711) and a baptism for Daniel Kermode, son of Daniel and Mary Anne Kermode on 8 November (LDS 106728). I recently reviewed the LDS 106728 and, unless I'm mistaken the Baptisms only went up to about 1849, however, my request for LDS 106184 has just arrived and hopefully it might show the baptism and parents.

I was hopeful that there would have been an MI for Mary Anne (Gawne) Kermode that would provide confirmation of the above. Nevertheless from the information you provided the Mary Ann Kermode who died in 1860 could still be the one I'm looking for. I have been focussing on review of LDS films (Wills and BMDs) for Lonan, so do not have them (yet) for Braddan.

I wonder if anyone has a marriage record for Daniel Kermode (of Lonan) and Mary Anne Gawne (of Braddan) married in Braddan 7 July 1855 that might confim their parents and parishes?
Any help would be appreciated.