
Manx Genealogy

Happy New Year from N.Z.

I'd Rather do Genealogy

They think that I should cook and clean, and be a model wife.
I tell them it's more interesting to study Grandpa's life.

They simply do not understand why I hate to go to bed . . .
I'd rather do two hundred years of research work instead.

Why waste the time we have on earth just snoring and asleep?
When we can learn of ancestors that sailed upon the deep?

We have sailors, farmers, soldiers, more than just a few.
And yes, there's many scoundrels, and a bootlegger or two.

How can a person find this life an awful drudge or bore?
When we can live the lives of all those folks who came before?

A hundred years from now of course, no one will ever know
Whether I did my laundry, but they'll see our Tree and glow . . .

'Cause their dear old granma left for them, for all posterity,
no clean hankies and the like, but a finished family tree.

My home may be untidy, 'cause I've better things to do . . .
I'm checking all the records to provide us with a clue.

Old granma's pulling roots and branches out with glee,
Her clothes ain't hanging out to dry, she's hung up on the Tree.

Author unknown

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Happy New Year from N.Z.
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