
Manx Genealogy

Re: MI Elizabeth Beck Braddan ?
In Response To: MI Elizabeth Beck Braddan ? ()

No MIs for John or Anne
Per Lonan Burial Register they lived at Laxey Glen

Maybe these are related?
Lonan 1871 Yard
In loving memory of MARY ANN (POLLIEO daughter of JAMES and ELIZABETH BECK Hillcrest Laxey who fell asleep in Jesus Oct 30th 1901 aged 23 years
Her sun went down while it was yet day
JAMES BECK beloved father of the above who died Feb 17th 1903 aged 56 years
Our loss is his eternal gain
also JOHN eldest son of the above who died August 21st 1911 aged 36 years
Also ELIZABETH wife of the above named JAMES BECK who died April 19th 1928 aged 75 years.