
Manx Genealogy

Lawson BMD Blog 16-03-10

Will Index updating now complete from A through to Q.
For those who like the technical details , I am using Dreamweaver CS3 to check and validate each file. This enables me to find and repair coding errors easily. Some errors casn be automatically reapired ( most tags on each page have not been closed, and I have created search and replace to find and repair these) most others are typing errors (hred instead of href).
I am also "commonising" the buttons on each page as well as converting them from javascript to html. This has the advantage that if I move or rename a file, all links to it will be updated automatically (javascript links do no get updated).
There are still a few abbreviations that I haven't worked out what they mean.
Any ideas?
Please let me know and I will uodate them and add them to the conversion list.
At the rate I am progressing at the moment, I am hoping to finish the will index revamp by this weekend, and can then re-commence updating the actual transcripts.
Once again any errors or ommissions that you find, please let me know and I will repair as soon as I can.