Hello again,
Well, it would have been more helpful had I pasted the passenger lists into my message! Sorry!
As stated in my earlier post, I have found some of these people in the IGI for Isle of Man, and one family in the LDS Ancestral File. None in the extractions of Manx-born in the 1850-1860 Cuyahoga County census, except possibly William Cottier, who is the right age to be the William in Warrensville 1850 and 1860.
If you would like a copy of this file with footnotes giving the Manx origins, I can send you that in WordPerfect or in Word.
Brig Helicon Liverpool, Aug 3, 1826 Manifest 447
Jane ??? 40? (big blot over this entry)
Ellen Keneen 40
John 28
Esther 25
Ellen 10 mo
Margery 24
Thomas Dickason Liverpool June 5, 1827 Manifest 319
Ewan (?) Christian 43 mill right Great Britain
Jane 40
Elizabeth 15
William 13
Daniel 10
Jane 7
Catharin 5
Margaret 3
John Gale 45 weaver Great Britain
Easter 36
John , Jr 15
Catharine 3 y 6 m
William Lawson 72 farmer
William Dawson Liverpool June 18, 1827 Manifest 355
Phil Carlet 26 shoemaker GreatBritain
Jane 21
Mathias Quail 26 mason
Ann 23
Daniel Carlot 24 weaver Great Britain
Wm 30 tailor
Ann 30
Jane 30
Margt 17
Chas Comish (Cerush?) 55 farmer Great Britain
Jane 55
Mary 21
Margt 22
Will (?) 19
Jane 16
Ann 13
James Carlet 3
Thos Garret 1
Mathew Keowen (?) 40 tailor
Jane 30
John 3 ½
Will 2 ½
Ann 1
Eliza Kallen 70
Thos Grimshaw 35 farmer (Not sure he is Manx, but listed with the others)
Thos Carlet 31 laborer
Edwd Mathews 28 joiner (Not sure he is Manx)
Ann Ratcliffe 29
__?__ Callow 65 (female) Can't read name
Frances Henrietta Liverpool June 30, 1827 Manifest 399
Robert Quigan 30 tailor Douglas, Isle of Man
Catharine 28
Ann 2
Christian 2 y 5 m (male)
Mary Collester 15
Meridian Liverpool July 2, 1827 Manifest 404
Philip Cannal 48 farmer Great Britain
Mary 48
Eleanor 13
James 11
Philip 6
Mary 5
John 4
William 1
Philip Cowan 60 farmer Great Britain
James Cannall 20 farmer
William Kelly 40 farmer Great Britain
Esther 36
Ann 9
Robert 7
Betsy 6
Wm 5
Mary 4
John Quilliam 44 farmer Great Britain
Cath 36
Thos 6
Elisa 4
Joseph 1
Cath 11
John 10
Mary 13
Betsy 13
Jno Curlett 40 farmer Great Britain
Lottie (?) 36
Jno 6
Jane 5
Robt 3
Ann 1
Thos 13
Jas 11
John 20
Jane 20
John Collester 34 farmer Great Britain
Elisa 36
Mary 6
John 5
Thos 4
Jas 1
Thomas 40 farmer Great Britain
Jane 36
Thos 18
John 13
Wm 15
Jane 9
John Kelly 55 farmer Great Britain
Thos Hewin (Kewin?) 26 farmer
Chas Hewin 26
Margt Kelly 19
Elisa 17
Ann 16
Jane 12
Wm 6
Aurora Liverpool July 9, 1827 Manifest 425
William Cottier 20 tailor Isle of Man
Paul Stevenson 28 cooper Isle of Man
Java Liverpool July 9, 1827 Minifest 427
Thos Bridson 39 farmer Isle of Man
Jane 28
Anne 17
Caesar 6
New Orleans Liverpool August 24, 1827 Manifest 548
Wm Kneen 54 farmer Isle of Man (might be age 34)
Ann 54 (?)
Maria 12
Cathrn 8
Sophia 6
James (?) 3
Wm 1
John Cowley 21 cooper Isle of Man
Hugh Kennish (Kerrish ?) 27 farmer Isle of Man
Thomas 18 farmer Isle of Man
George Clinton Liverpool Aug 27, 1827 Manifest 562
John Quayle 18 joiner Great Britain
Hugh Knale 30 wheelwright
Mary 25
Margaret 2
Thomas Cannell (Cannen ?) 17
William Kinrade 17
Indus Liverpool September 5, 1827 Manifest 586
T. Cowley 24 Isle of Man (crossed out)
Mary 22
Thos 1
Joseph Kenoll (?) 18
Cassandra Liverpool September 5, 1827 Manifest 593
Jas Radcliffe 44 cabinet maker Great Britain
Jas C. 13
Ann 9
Wm Garratt 29 tanner
Mary 25
Ann I. (or J.) 5
Wm Hy 4
Betsey Ann 2
Sophia 4
Catharine Kelly 22
John Crane 26 painter Isle of Man
Cath 22
John 1
Jane 12
Hannah Creer 36 spinster
Wm 8
Margt 6
James 4
Charlotte 1
Eliza 60
Wm Sail 57 (37 ?)
India Liverpool September 5 1827 Manifest 594
Jno Shimonds 20 farmer Great Britain
James 2
Ann 26
Ellenor Quayle 54
Charles 27
Wm Kewley 46 shoemaker
Wm D. Jr 9
Danl 6
Hannibal Liverpool Sept 25, 1827 Manifest 656
Christian Cain 40 England
Philip 4
Abel 2
Mary Corkill 18 servant
Barque Lord Wellington Liverpool Nov 14, 1827 Manifest 761
Paul Kelly 28 joiner Isle of Man
Catherine 24
Catherine 1