This is not the place to debate editorial decisions with you, however I did miss the 'current' adjective (should have been corrected to 'previous' following the 2002 elections), I noticed that 2 of the 3 web addresses you included were out of date, but checked that the one I printed did appear correct at time I set the article. The article was originally slated for July issue but for various reasons it missed that and appeared in the next issue. Any editor needs to keep a small float of articles and yours, as I said to you at the time, would not appear immediately as I had already a couple of multi-instalment articles on the stocks.
As readers will have seen, I resigned the editorship - I wish any successor the best of luck and a hard skin as criticism is always easier to give than positive suggestions for future issues. For example to avoid your comment in future, maybe the editor could adopt the tag usually found in academic papers 'originally submitted on ...' which alerts the reader that things might have changed.