Hello there Cretneys in Vancover, I am glad to get this message, it was forwarded from my sister Kay. I met your father, Syd and his brother Dick and some other folks on a trip to BC in 1970. The members of my family that went were my father George (Syd's & Dicks brother), my mother Mary, and sister Kay.
After Syd and Dick moved to Vancover my father moved to Hamlin, NY. Married my mother and raised a family of 5 in Brockport NY. I have a brother Al, that has a son Tim, he and his wife have 5 children, 3 boys. I have a son James jr, he is not married yet. I also have a duaghter Melissa. We live in the Atlanta, GA area.
I know there are Cretneys in Cleveland, OH and Panama City Fl, however not clear on the relation.
I am very interested in the family history, especially back to the Isle of Mann and before. We should get some of us together and make a reunion there, or at least a trip and a reunion elsewhere. Do you think there would be any interest ?
My son and I are also making plans to launch a family web site. Do you know if any of the family has one ?
If interested please keep in touch