In 1515 a quarteland known as The Craige was in Andreas
Moore has :
CRAIG, formerly usually CORRAIGE (Caraig, a rock,') is a translation of the French Delaroche. A French family of this name settled in Scotland at an early date and had their name transformed in this way. The name is uncommon. It may, perhaps, in some cases, be derived from the (O.N.) Krdka, (Danish Krage,) 'a crow,' which is found in the Landnamabok as a nickname. BALLACORAIGE is the name of a farm in Ballaugh.
CORRAIGE [1599], CORRAIG [1700], CRAIG [1776].
this may be relevant
- however the name does not show up in any document to 1823 when a Tho carige was turnkey at castle Rushen Prison - a Craige was also chief constable (= sargeant) of Castletown police and was blown up with the brig lily.
In 1881 there were some 3 Caige familes so it looks