
Family History Society

Re: Where is Lochemanor?
In Response To: Re: Where is Lochemanor? ()

I would hope our ancestor, (I'm David's brother,) was not born in such a terrible sounding place...(New Jersey.)
It may have been that the information was passed down orally so that the spelling Lochemanor was incorrect. That may not sound like a Manx place name. But could there be a "Loch Manor", (using the Scottish "Loch" for lake or inlet?) Or "Logh Manor" using the Irish "Logh"? Or even Lough Manor using the Manx word?

Or maybe it isn't manor but "Manaugh" as in Smeall Manaugh, or Kerrow Manaugh, (Both Manx place names.)

We know our ancestors came from the Isle of Man, but we would love to narrow it down to an actual place on the island. (I guess we're grasping at any slight piece of information we have.) Our family will be coming to visit the IoM in 2 weeks to do more in depth genealogical searching. If anyone has any useful guidance it would be much appreciated.