
Family History Society

Census of Peel - 1814

the census of Peel town taken 9th May 1814, referred to by Goodwin in his scrapbook, but not located has now become available - a transcription is on line at
note that I have a few names I'm unsure of (marked ?) and that I still have much work to do on locating the houses. Note also it only gives the haed of household's name and no other info excepr number of others in house.
On subject of Peel there is also online a listing of Peel voluneteers 1803
see http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Contrib/manx/history/military/pe_1803.htm
Corris's map of 1784 - see http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Contrib/manx/towns/peel/cm1784.htm
and more on Peel Pubs

(the latest version of CD ROM also has the 25inch/mile 1869 plan of Peel cross linked to photos (this is my current project and more will be added)