In case some of the members are not aware, there are two pages on the TV Teletext which deal with Family History Matters.
The first one is on page 174 of Channel 4. This usually has about 60 pages of enquiries. You can contact this facility by sending a postcard to: Family Tree, Telextext, PO Box 297, London SW6 1XT or you can fax your request to 020 7386 5618. YOUR REQUEST SHOULD BE CONSIST OF A MAXIMUM OF 50 WORDS. This should include your own name/address etc. You are allowed no more than 1 request per month. The facility is updated on Mondays.
The other one is on page 489 of Channel 5. This usually has about 30 pages of enquiries and usually seems more “geared” towards enquiries from USA/Australia etc. You message should have a maximum of 40 words (including your name, address etc.) Write to: Family Tree (SK/TT), PO Box 116, Swindon, Wiltshire SN3 2SX.
Hope this may be of some use to someone.