
Family History Society


We have just completed several new features for the site and have been working on updating and enhancing many others. These include: -

Accommodation Directory - upgraded and enhanced format, revised searching and circa 400 establishments listed etc

Business Directory - upgraded and enhanced format, revised searching and circa 600 businesses listed etc

Job Finder - new service to assist people looking for a employment to be put directly in touch with local employment agencies

Property Finder - new service to assist people looking for a housing to be put directly in touch with local estate agencies

Home Page - updated and hopefully better 'look & feel', easier to navigate.

General Information - added several new pages and updated several old ones.

Events diaries - now included for Erin Arts Center, Gaiety Theatre and General Events

Guest book - updated with revised 'look & feel'

Post an Ecard - updated with revised 'look & feel'

Places to see (Home page) - updated with revised 'look & feel'

Transport heritage (Home page) - updated with revised 'look & feel'

Other pages - we've updated about 200 pages so far from the old blue background/look&feel to that of the newer parts of the site. We have about 500 pages to go!!!

Hopefully there are not to many bugs!

You may find certain pages in a section are temporarily off line while they are being updated or, lead pages are fine but linked pages have yet to be tackled. We hope to have everything completed within the next week or so - then have a rest!!

I hope you enjoy what we have done so far.

Ian Gerrard